
Give biblical counsel to our Senators through signing this document


Would you please consider voting NO to both of these amendments?

Instead of innocent preborn children being legally protected under our laws, the act of abortion is what is protected in Nebraska. Two proposed constitutional amendments would further solidify the protection of abortion as a legal act, continuing to allow parents to murder their own pre-born children with impunity.

These are called “Protect the Right to Abortion” and the terribly mistitled “Protect Women and Children” amendment. Both would add a right to abortion into our state’s constitution, either by explicit declaration, or by permitting abortion in the first trimester, when most abortions take place.

Please visit the following website, to read just how similar both amendments are. You may be surprised.

(A pastor’s signature to the biblical counsel document does not automatically infer that he agrees with everything stated on

Don’t Support Wicked Laws

An Abolitionist Response to the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln and Nebraska Family Alliance

We highly recommend reading this article:

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We work closely with Abolish Abortion Nebraska seeking to stop the statewide & nationwide sin of abortion


Information from a recent presentation on the current state of abortion in this country

What we are called to do


01 - Educate

Educate people as to what God’s Word truly says about murder and abortion of human babies and expose the pro-life industry’s hypocritical actions of outright opposing several bills that would abolish abortion in this nation.

02 - Equip

Equip people with resources, education, and training to achieve a thorough knowledge of how to abolish abortion by enacting equal protection legislation, and how to address the objections presented by pro-life organizations and legislators.

03 - Engage

Engage the legislature and call on them to uphold both God's law and the U.S. Constitution by connecting constituents with their individual legislators and facilitating meetings and lobbying.

Join End Abortion Nebraska
(308) 830-1875