End Abortion Nebraska Our Mission
End Abortion Nebraska is a collective of Christians who seek to end the practice of abortion in Nebraska. End Abortion Nebraska is not a recognized non-profit nor does it have an official board or membership. While not a legally recognized organization, End Abortion Nebraska is an organized effort by Christians in Nebraska.
As such, these Christians herein define their mission so that others who want to join the effort can align to the purpose and beliefs of those already engaged in the fight to abolish abortion in Nebraska. Relying on the providence of God, trusting in Christ the King of kings, and depending on the power of the Holy Spirit (in a battle which is fundamentally spiritual in nature) are the primary means through which abortion will become both abolished and unthinkable.
End Abortion Nebraska participants are acting on the following CONVICTIONS:
Christians have a responsibility to preach the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20). There are many avenues to pursue this. One opportunity we have to declare the gospel is in the midst of sin. Abortion facilities actively promote sin through the murder of children. The immediate threat to life makes these places important locations for witnessing.
An understanding of God as Creator, man’s rebellion and judgment for sin, Christ’s saving work, and man’s need to respond in faith and repentance is the primary message we wish to convey in the gospel that is shared with pregnant women, their family and friends, and the employees at abortion facilities. It is only through the gospel that God will awaken those who have suppressed the truth and bring them to salvation. We trust in the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit of God for hearts to be converted, for mothers to choose to care for instead of murder their children, for fathers to protect rather than desert their children, and for civil authorities to rise up to defend the unborn through legislation that provides justice.
The Triune God is the highest good, and loving him is the Christian’s foundational ethic. Out of an overflow of love for God, we seek to love our neighbors who are made in God’s image. Life begins at conception. In the sight of God, human life is as valuable at conception as at any other point. Intentional ending of the life of an unborn child is murder because it destroys an innocent image bearer.
End Abortion Nebraska seeks to accomplish an end to abortion through several MEANS:
Declaring truth and sharing the gospel at local abortion facilities with pregnant women, those accompanying them, passersby, and employees. This is done best in groups by holding signs, speaking the truth in love, and praying.
Petitioning state and local legislatures to enact a law that asserts abortion is murder and affirms the humanity of the unborn. We want to pray for, encourage, and stand with government leaders who are willing to resist the immoral action of the US Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade and other subsequent rulings supporting abortion.
Petitioning pastors and elders of local congregations to repent with us and fight against abortion by calling for the immediate and uncompromising end of legalized murder based on the foundation of God’s word alone.
Pursuing options to support women who choose life for their children. We want to work toward having a network of Christians ready to provide:
Financial assistance
Ongoing witnessing and discipleship
Information on adoption including Christian families who are prepared to adopt